Book chapter
11. Ethical reasoning methods
Ethical reasoning is not hard. Because, there is no complicated methodology needed and there is no structure or plan that must be followed. Ethical reasoning is about the creation of awareness of values and goals gulden2021. As stated by NSW Government (2020) education2020 ”Ethical reasoning is a type of critical thinking that uses ethical principles and frameworks. It is a process of identifying ethical issues and weighing multiple perspectives to make informed decisions. Ethical reasoning is not about knowing right from wrong, but being able to think about and respond to a problem fairly, justly and responsibly.”
According to Paul & Elder (2006) paul2006, ethical reasoning has the role of marking two acts: 1. those which improve the well-being of others, acts that need praise and 2. those that harm or reduce the well-being of others, acts that need our criticism (pp. 4).
Paul & Elder explain two types of ethical reasoning questions paul2006:
- Simple ethical questions
- Complex ethical questions
Simple ethical questions already answer themselves. They are easy to answers, because of Morality. Morality enables people to live cooperatively in groups, by means of a set of standards. It’s what societies determine to be “right” and “acceptable” (amy2020). So, simple ethical questions are simple, because the answers is already known by society because of Morality. An example is: is it okay to torture an animal for fun?
Complex ethical questions are questions that need to be viewed from several perspectives. There is no clear right or wrong answer. For example: Is is ok to kill animals for food? Or under what conditions, if any, should experimenting with animals be allowed
Everyone has their own opinions. An informal way of describing ethical reasoning is as a way of discussing these opinions and maybe even coming to a consensus which can be used in daily life.
Knowledge clip
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